Imagine you have the world’s biggest library. Millions of different books covering every topic imaginable. You have the collective knowledge of humankind at your fingertips.
Now imagine that I ask you to find one specific book, but the catch is that there’s no reference system, no librarian, and no way to track down exactly what you’re looking for.
Suddenly all of that knowledge and information is a lot less valuable.
That’s kind of how we feel when our competitors start bragging about how much data they have.
The truth is that any account exec can fill a spreadsheet (or a hundred) full of numbers and accurately claim they have a lot of data. But all of that raw information isn’tย useful if you don’t have a system in place to index, analyze and make actionable everything that you’re collecting.
Otherwise, using all of that data is like trying to get a sip from a fire hydrant. There’s plenty of water, but it’s not easy to drink.
That’s why we created Purply, our proprietary AI technology that utilizes machine learning to identify trends, make suggestions and build customized sales models that are actually useful to your brand.
[Insert Rowland quote here]
And while some of our competitors may claim to have more data than we do (with nearly $3 billion in sales transactions, let’s just say we’re skeptical), none of them have anything as powerful as Purply.
We know that because we didn’t build Purply with off-the-shelf tech, throw in a few plugins and call it a day. We designed it from the ground up. It’s a purpose-built affiliate marketing technology platform that was designed to optimize your campaign on a granular level.
And when we say analyze data, we don’t just mean the obvious, like identifying which affiliates do best in your vertical. We take a look at every aspect of an affiliate, considering variables such as how effectively they combat fraud, their charge-back rate and commission structures, all of which allows us to transform data into revenue for your brand.
As product manager, Christian H. puts it, “Purply is constantly evolving to ensure our data and expertise merge into exciting new avenues of success for our clients. Our recommendation engine is a product of collaboration across multiple departments so all facets of our clients’ objectives are addressed. We can pinpoint the best affiliates for a given brand, where and when optimizations should take place, the perfect commission to remain competitive, and much more, all in real-time.”
And that’s still not the full story of how you need to think about data. Because it’s not just a question of how much data an agency has, but if what they have is relevant to your brand.
Take the fashion vertical for example. One of our competitors represents a major shoe brand that has hundreds of millions of dollars in annual revenue. So they can accurately say that they have a large amount of sales data on selling shoes through affiliates.
But if your shoe brand has monthly revenue of $150,000, then the data that comes from a brand that sells $20,000,000 in a month, won’t be useful to you.
No matter how many billions of dollars in sales any agency claims to be responsible for, you still need to ask how much of that comes from brands with a similar profile to yours.
In over ten years in business, we’ve run over 14,000 affiliate marketing campaigns through 259,541 affiliates across 23 different verticals, generating more than $2.8 billion in sales.
And while those numbers are impressive, for Advertise Purple, that’s where the journey starts, not where it ends because we know that it’s not the size of your data that matters, but whether or not you know how to use it for your clients.