July 26, 2024

Affiliate Marketing Glossary: What All These Words and Acronyms Mean

Understanding the specialized terms and acronyms used in the affiliate marketing world is a key to success. Whether you’re an affiliate, advertiser, or just curious about the industry, we compiled the most commonly used terms to ensure you’re well-prepared to […]

July 22, 2024

Unlock the Power of Card-Linked Offers

Card-linked offers are gaining momentum as a powerful affiliate marketing strategy. A February survey by PYMNTS asked 2,108 respondents about their card-linked offers usage. It found that 2 in 5 cardholders consistently use them, with 93% planning on continuing to […]

July 19, 2024

Sustainable Shopping Trends: Insights and Strategies for E-Commerce Brands

In recent years, consumer behavior has shifted significantly towards more sustainable shopping practices. The demand for eco-friendly products and brands committed to sustainability is on the rise, and this trend shows no signs of slowing down. In 2024, 177 million […]

July 17, 2024

Tips For Building Strong Relationships With Affiliates

There’s a reason affiliate marketing is also known as partnership marketing, it thrives on strong relationships. As a win-win strategy, it’s nearly impossible to see success without a foundation of solid partnerships. By taking time to focus on fostering positive […]

July 12, 2024

The Power and Importance Of Brand Guidelines In Partnership Marketing

Maintaining a consistent and recognizable brand image is crucial for long-term success. Just think about brands like Nike, Apple, and McDonald’s who you can instantly picture from reading their names. For businesses engaging in affiliate marketing, establishing clear and comprehensive […]


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