February 13, 2023

Marketing Trends in 2023

Happy (late) New Year! While we were late to the first ball drop, here is another… the marketing landscape is already shifting and we’re only a month in.

Us marketers know how things move quickly but between AI, tech developments, and social media the industry is unrecognizable from a few years ago. At Advertise Purple we push ourselves to incorporate the latest marketing trends into our strategy to consistently out-perform the competition. With nuances on the horizon, we look forward to navigating marketing in 2023. Here are 5 marketing trends we’ve already spotted in the New Year.

AI-driven Marketing

AI has revolutionized the way marketers approach campaigns. In 2023 more businesses will turn to AI to gain insights into customer behavior and to build powerful personalized campaigns. Advertise Purple noticed this trend early in the game, developing our own internal data analytics and optimization software, Purply, in 2017.

“We knew that integrating technology was a crucial step in elevating our level of client service, and our early adoption of it has paid dividends. We’re now able to leverage our features and automation to pinpoint optimizations and suggest the best partners at all stages of program growth. It has also facilitated data-driven decision making as we continuously identify ways to improve Purply to maximize the effectiveness of our teams,” Christian H. Product Manager. Here’s a glimpse into some of the insights our Purply can give your company.

Client Dashboard & Insights in Purply
January 2023 Vertical Trends
Omni-channel Marketing

Omni-channel marketing has been trending and is here to stay in 2023. Brands will be expected to provide a seamless, integrated experience to customers across different channels. This means a brand has to test user experience on all platforms so that customers can access the same content, experience, and options, no matter how they choose to engage with the company.

Social Media Advertising

Social media remains one of the top grossing advertising mediums. Not only can businesses use social media to build brand awareness, but they can also use the platform to target their audience with custom ads. With increased use of AI and automation in the industry, businesses will be able to target more specific audiences and market their products and services more effectively.

Video Content

Since the explosive popularity of TikTok and other video content platforms, video is becoming a popular choice for marketers. They are effective at grabbing a user’s attention, however it is increasingly difficult to keep it. In a recent study by Yahoo and OMD worldwide it was determined that Gen Z has an active attention span of 1.3 seconds for ads. This means marketers will have to get creative in their video content to maximize their split second impact. 

Influencer Marketing

With the rise of social media came the rise of the influencer. Influencer marketing has proven to be an effective way to expand your audience and build brand awareness when done properly. In 2023, it will become even more important for businesses to partner with influencers, as over 80% of consumers use social media and influencers to source product recommendations. 

Overall, 2023 should bring innovation and change to the industry, making trend analysis and constant research important for marketers who want to capitalize on the new opportunities this change brings. Marketers who stick to old ways will see diminishing returns. But those who learn how to manipulate these changes to their advantage will see immense success in the New Year.

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