Advertise Purple’s offices are located in the heart of Santa Monica, California, amongst a vibrant community of great businesses and wonderful people.
Some of these businesses (and some of these people) are household names, while others are looking to become the next one. Regardless, they all contribute to the world-class vibe of this illustrious community. And simply put, we wouldn’t want to work anywhere else.
During the lockdown from COVID-19, we haven’t been able to show up to our home away from home for quite some time, but we know that one day we’ll eventually return. And trust me, we’ll be ready when that glorious day comes.
Under normal circumstances, we love operating out of Santa Monica. It has its fair share of truly spectacular perks. It’s not an exaggeration to say some of the best bars and restaurants in the world are located here.
But beyond just happy hour, Santa Monica has top-notch gyms, yoga studios, meditation clinics, pet stores, beauty salons, barbershops, coffee and juice shops, other retail stores, medical facilities, and more, all in close proximity.
And don’t even get me started on the beach. Or the weather. For these reasons, we’re proud to run our business here, but the fact of the matter is we know that some of the members of our community are hurting more than others.
We’ve reached out to help those on the front lines of this pandemic, but we also want to urge those of you who share our love for Santa Monica, and West LA in general, to look into some of the following organizations who want to preserve the greatness of this community.
We’d like to ensure that, when this is all over, Santa Monica will still be the great place to run a business and live a fulfilled life that it was before Coronavirus. And we know, together, we can certainly make it happen.
So, please consider helping out in any way you can and know that anything helps. That said, here are some great ways to get involved:
Donate to the Official Santa Monica Relief Fund for COVID-19
The City of Santa Monica is proud to provide a local relief fund in response to the novel coronavirus (COVID-19). The We Are Santa Monica Innovation Fund (Santa Monica COVID-19 Relief Fund) will provide critically needed funds to organizations and the City to help in the following areas:
- Obtain necessary sanitation and medical supplies
- Provide food to those experiencing food insecurity
- Provide shelter to those in need
- Support volunteer relief efforts
Click here to learn more and to donate
Deliver meals or make a donation to Meals On Wheels America
Our seniors are most at risk for developing complications from COVID-19. You can make a donation to Meals On Wheels America to help keep them safe and cared for.
If you are a senior and need assistance or meals: Workforce Development Aging & Community Services distributes packaged and frozen meals at 180 meal sites throughout Los Angeles County. Please call 1-800-510-2020 or visit https://wdacs.lacounty.gov/covid-19/ for more information and a map of meal site locations.
Give blood
Blood donations have decreased dramatically. Healthy, eligible donors are urged to come out and give to ensure there’s lifesaving blood on the shelves for those who need it.
Support WDACS
The mission of Workforce Development, Aging and Community Services (WDACS) is to connect communities and improve the lives of all generations in Los Angeles County.
WDACs currently operate 100 congregate meal sites at various senior centers and parks throughout the County. Although our community and senior centers are closed, we have transitioned all our meal sites to distributing packaged/frozen meals and are currently working out the logistics for providing home delivered meals to older adults. A map of County and City locations is available below.
Many of the centers are also participating in the Emergency Food Distribution Program. Find the list of participating centers by Districts on the site or click here.
Assemble hygiene kits
Build hygiene kits and drop off at your local shelter for people experiencing homelessness
Support local non-profit organizations who are supporting our communities
This California Community Foundations’s COVID-19 LA County Response Fund supports COVID-19 related community needs in health, housing, education, and immigration.
The United Way’s Pandemic Relief Fund supports L.A. County’s unsheltered residents, low-income individuals, students and families at imminent risk of homelessness and hardships due to health and economic impacts of coronavirus.
Or you can support other nonprofits.
Support local restaurants by ordering take out and delivery online
Around the globe, the restaurants that form the backbone of our communities are being asked to change how they operate. From limiting their occupancy to closing their doors to dining guests, these businesses are facing the prospect of lost sales, making it harder for them to meet their daily expenses.
Yet these restaurants continue to serve their customers by remaining open for delivery and pick-up, and now, more than ever, they need all of our support.
Ordering a meal from your favorite local restaurant is not only going to taste delicious, but it will give them a better chance of recovering from this time. Some restaurants are even selling individual food items and alcoholic beverages. Take advantage!
We hope that you are inspired to make a difference in whatever way you can. But if you can’t, that’s okay too. At the very least, rally around the people you love most. They need you right now.