Tech Update: Advertise Purple’s Director of Technology on Implementing and Utilizing Marketing Automation Software
Recently, it’s been reported that retailers have begun turning to automated marketing to save time and resources.
We understand the need to maximize your marketing’s output and effectiveness during these difficult times. Especially now in Q4, there’s no room for marketing efforts that don’t lead to acquisitions and conversions.
And while those methods of automation differ from company to company, what they all have in common is that they save time and money.
Just this week, I was able to speak with Rowland H, our Director of Technology, about the utility of marketing automation, and how that is being used to assist fellow colleagues and customers.
He spoke a bit about what it was like developing that robust software and what that process was like:
“Developing new technology is one of the most exciting, rewarding, frustrating and fulfilling processes there is. As a growing company we have a plethora of needs, wants, and desires, all coming from different departments with different objectives.”
He continued, “We also have an infinite numbers of ways to solve those problems; I’ve never encountered a task a team of developers doesn’t think they can solve. It’s a balancing act between being realistic and shooting for the moon, between maintaining focus and readjusting priorities, and if you can do all those things you can create something pretty amazing.”
He’s taken on the title of Director of Technology, which is a slightly different role in comparison to his old title as one of the operations leads at the agency. He doesn’t seem to think the transition has been all that difficult or different.
“In some ways I don’t feel my job has changed much at all. In my previous role I was tasked with managing a team, and using all the tools available to create value for our clients and Advertise Purple.”
He added, “With Purply, my goal is the same, but I have a new team and new toolset with which to work with. Purply, and the data and automation that flow from it, are functionally a result of me working towards that same goal, creating value for Advertise Purple and our clients, with new tools.”
It makes perfect sense that automation leads to less time spent and more money made. Major brands and small ones alike can all benefit from machine learning based on tactics and strategies that are proven.
If you’re interested in seeing how performance-based marketing methods can help your business, reach out at [email protected].
Thank you!