August 24, 2020

Advertise Purple Raises $2,620 For Dreamcenter’s LA COVID Relief

Let’s be real, times are tough. I don’t know about you, but my 2020 plans did not involve binge watching every single bad reality TV show in existence, but here we are (don’t judge me).

COVID-19 threw a wrench in everybody’s “plans”. Sure, prior to living one day at a time, we used to have ideas of things we’d do months in advance. That luxury may not exist anymore, but humanity, like always, persists and adapts.

And when you’re employed, have shelter, food on your plate, and the ability to ride this thing out with your fair share of creature comforts, there’s not much complaining you can do, especially when others are seriously hurting.

I think most people have the same ideas regarding providing assistance to those in need right now. They’d like to, but where to start? How do I know the money I donate goes somewhere useful? Everything seems so hopeless. I want to help, but how can I?, you may think.

Well, I’ve got good news for you.

If you are based in the LA or Southern California area, we have a wonderful organization for you if you’re interested in spending money or time donating or volunteering to help. is an organization that has been housing, feeding, and rehabilitating some of the more at-risk folks in our community for decades. What’s great is that many of the key members of the team were previous benefactors of the programs they now lead.

Having met with them, it became clear right away that these men and women care deeply about their community. They know firsthand how a little bit of a push in the form of a hot meal or place to sleep can get someone back on the right trajectory.

They did not let COVID stop them from their mission to help.

Advertise Purple president Kyle Mitnick (who matched our team donation 3x) weighed in:

“It’s easy to get lost in the day-to-day current of finance and business operations. But what matters most are the people around us, and assisting the community that made this business possible.

Dreamcenter provides a necessary service in our community, especially during trying times like these. I am so proud of each AdPurp team member that contributed to this cause and humbled that, as a company, we were able to provide an amount that would result in 2,620 meals. It warms my heart and reaffirms we are an organization of action, and one that lends a hand when needed.”

At Advertise Purple, we have stepped up in the form of donations to Dreamcenter, directly helping those in the LA area. We urge you, even if you can’t donate directly to their organization to find a way to help in your own community.

In this case, we provided a solid chunk which will go towards Dreamcenter’s goal of providing one million meals before this year is over. That’s truly profound and we’re so happy to have been a part of it.

Take the time to do the research and most importantly step up if you can. It’s incredibly important and worthwhile to do so. Thank you, again, to Dreamcenter and we hope you’ll look into their organization or to another doing similar great work.

Stay safe out there.

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