Okay, we know it’s never good to toot your own horn, especially when times are tough.
That said, here at Advertise Purple, we are thrilled and grateful to be succeeding in what is a difficult time for so many, due to the ongoing spread of coronavirus. We’re doing incredible things in a difficult time and if not cause for celebration, it’s at least cause for reflection.
Because, not only are we hiring and onboarding new employees at a steady rate, but our company is growing consistently over a long time period, where it matters most – in annual revenue generated.
We’re proud to say, for the third straight year, we’ve made the Inc 5000 list, which picks out the fastest growing privately held companies in the country. We came in towards the top of the list in the country and, once again, are the top affiliate-agency on the list.
According to Advertise Purple president Kyle Mitnick, “We are the sole affiliate-only agency that has made this list for the last three consecutive years, a stat we’re ecstatic about. It speaks volumes to our concentration and mastery of one digital marketing channel, which has resulted in impeccable results for customers and groundbreaking technological advancements at Purply.”
It’s an odd time in our nation and world and we know that it’s important to “read the room” when it comes to celebrating wins, but in this case we feel the hard work we’ve been putting in over the course of the last few years paying off is something we still feel deserves this kind of recognition.
Not only have we been successful in those 3 years, but looking forward, we see the affiliate marketing space (in which we specialize) growing and we do in fact project making the list again for a fourth year in 2021.
Already awarded as one of the Best Places To Work in 2020 by Inc earlier this year, we’re thankful to Inc. Magazine for recognizing a) that we have great employees who love working for us and b) that we actually drive growth for our clients.
Those are two of the elements to our company that we care about most. We’re proud of the culture we’ve built here, and even during the age of Coronavirus, we think that it’s possible to have a happy staff that produces tremendous results.
Since 2012, we’ve been an agency focused on the affiliate channel. Rather than spread ourselves thin or try to reinvent the wheel, we’ve stuck to our guns and continue to grow.
It’s not as if all agencies are staying afloat right now. In fact, many agencies are having a difficult time adapting to unprecedented times right now. We are because we are experts at what we do and we don’t deviate from it.
Of course, these numbers don’t account for the pandemic period, but our way of doing business still plays into keeping us growing even now.
We’ve built a staff of resilient workers who want nothing more than to see customer success. It starts there, and then once we see the client win, we win as well.
We’re looking forward to making the list again next year! If there is a next year! (kind of joking… kind of)