May 28, 2021

3 Ways to Optimize Your Affiliate Program for the Start of Summer

Next Monday marks the start of something we’re all looking forward to. I’m talking sunny days, picnics, hikes, spontaneous beach trips, SPF 50, and the NBA playoffs. If you live in California, this could sound like any old Saturday, but the playoffs might be a dead giveaway that it’s not.

Summer is right around the corner, and we’re psyched for it. The three-day weekend doesn’t hurt either, am I right? Monday might be the unofficial start of summer, but we’re already planning our hiking routes and summer adventures. How about you? 

As we get into this much-anticipated summer mindset, let’s also take a minute to look at our strategies for engaging our customers and affiliates for the holiday weekend. These long weekends only come around a few times a year, so let’s make the most of ‘em and give our affiliate programs a bit of a boost. 

Not sure where to begin? Say no more, we’ve got you covered with some tips on optimizing your program and website.  Shall we dive right in?

1. Hold a three-day weekend sales event

As I’ve mentioned already, there’s an entire three-day weekend ahead of us. How often do those come along? There’s a good chance your customers are as excited as we are to have the free time that a long holiday weekend allows, so you might want to take advantage of it.

You’d be surprised at how many affiliate programs don’t acknowledge minor holiday weekends. In retail, though, they’re often celebrated as big sales events. Think themed Macy’s sales. Why shouldn’t eCommerce join the fun and host a holiday weekend sales event, too? Especially considering the growth that it’s experienced in the last year or so.

This could look like whatever you want it to. Whether you’re offering 15 or 35% off items or doing a buy-one-get-one situation over the 72-hour weekend, it’ll make a big difference to customers. Events like these often help sway indecisive customers to make the jump and purchase products. It also explains why there are historically huge sale spikes during these weekends. Just something to stew on, or grill on the barbecue.

2. Up the ante with creative that screams, “it’s almost summer”

Even if you don’t have a sale, getting in the spirit is still highly encouraged. Create a summer-themed campaign, infuse your website’s landing page with some summery visuals, or even dedicate a social post or email newsletter to the holiday weekend. By getting your website, branding, and social media on board, you could see a conversion boost over the holiday weekend. Celebrating summer with some new creative doesn’t sound too shabby, does it?

3. Offer a commission bump to affiliates for the three-day weekend

Engaging your affiliates for big sales event opportunities like this one could be a great way to make use of the holiday weekend. Especially if they’re known to do big things around holidays like this one. 

The commission bump doesn’t have to be anything crazy. It’s all about what you’re comfortable with, so you can go big or you can go subtle. The main thing to keep in mind is that you want to catch the attention of your affiliate partners. Regardless of if you offer a $12 increase per sale or a percentage of revenue, just make sure that you clarify when the bump begins and when it ends. 


No matter how you choose to celebrate the coming of summer, I hope you find these tips helpful. When you’re not busy optimizing your program, catch some sun, grab some friends, and go enjoy the three-day weekend!

Are you getting started in affiliate marketing or looking to improve your current program?

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