January 29, 2020

Ad Purp Profiles: World-class Dancer Turned Marketing Pro, Christian Henderson

We were all told to pursue our dreams when we were younger. Of course, some of us became a bit more “realistic” with our dreams as we grew up and dealt with the pressures of bills and adulthood. In the […]

January 28, 2020

Pros and Cons to the 5 Main Ways to Pay Publishers

The biggest fear brands have when adding new marketing programs to their budget is that they will be overspending for only marginal benefit. We hear all the time from clients that ROI is one of their main concerns. Working in […]

January 23, 2020

What We Hope to Get Out of Affiliate Summit West

Early next week (January 27-29) we’ll be sending some members of our team to Affiliate Summit West (#ASW20) in Las Vegas. In the past, we’ve made it to their events on the east coast and west and have always found […]

January 21, 2020

Results Are In: Nonstore Retail Sales in December Broke All the Records

Firstly, yes I’m aware that nonstore is not a word. However, in this case let’s use it as a proxy measure for e-commerce performance. Boosted by Cyber Monday’s record sales falling in December this year (because of how the calendar […]

January 15, 2020

Some of the Hottest New Affiliates to Look Out For in 2020. Can They Live Up to the Hype? (Part 2)

Monday, we highlighted four of the newest and most innovative affiliates that we work with here at Advertise Purple. Today, I’d like to expand upon our list. However, again, I’d like to reiterate that if we were to give away […]


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