April 1, 2020

A Necessary WFH Check-In With the Doggos of Ad Purp

There’s no doubt about it. In the United States, with COVID-19 keeping most unessential workers out of the office, there has been a difficult transitional adjustment phase for those of us who now find ourselves working from home. I’d like […]

March 31, 2020

Affiliate Spotlight: A Conversation With Avery Michaelson, UCapture CEO and Climate Change Leader

As you may have noticed last week, we kicked off our new ‘Affiliate Spotlight’ segment with Marni Gusman, Director of Partnerships at esteemed partner Honey. As this year progresses, we will be taking affiliates that stand out to us as […]

March 30, 2020

5 Ways Affiliate Marketing Can Help Support Brands in the COVID-19 Crisis

At this point, it’s become remarkably clear that we have transcended into what is an of course essential but undeniably challenging “new normal”. And what we’ve seen is inspiring, as Advertise Purple (along with many other companies) is doing all […]

March 27, 2020

Advertise Purple Partners With Lysol and the CDC to Assist Those on the Front Lines of the COVID-19 Crisis

Here at Ad Purp, we understand the value of community.  Whether that’s our client base, who we care deeply about, our colleagues who we spend every day with (except, not right now of course), our trusted partners, our local community […]

March 26, 2020

Affiliate Spotlight: A Conversation With Marni Gusman, Director of Partnerships at Honey

Greetings, wonderful people! Hope you are all staying safe and staying home right now, making the most of a situation none of us could have predicted. A new segment we at Advertise Purple have decided to put together over the […]


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