November 13, 2020

Advertise Purple Staff Returns to the Office (Kind Of)

Listen, I dislike clickbait as much as the next guy. But with recent news of a potential COVID-19 vaccine as well as evidence of successful treatment, the day that our team actually gets to see one another on a daily […]

November 10, 2020

Advertise Purple Staff Donates $3,060 to LA Family Housing For Their Thanksgiving Efforts

Note: Photo of Terry and our team above was taken from 2019, pre social distancing!! Around this time last year Terry Lotka, Donations Coordinator at LA Family Housing, stopped by our office in Santa Monica to speak to our team […]

types of affiliate partners list on computer
November 7, 2020

10 Types of Affiliate Partners in Affiliate Marketing

When it comes to hiring affiliate partners in affiliate marketing, there’s no one-size-fits-all model. Some companies work well with certain types of affiliates. Others are more flexible and can employ all sorts of advertising partners. If you’re unsure of where […]

November 6, 2020

LA Business Journal Ranks Advertise Purple 13th Fastest Growing Private Company in Los Angeles and as Finalist For ‘Disruptor’ Award

Let me start by saying that while we’re no stranger to awards ceremonies, receiving recognition of any sort during a global pandemic feels even better than usual. On behalf of Advertise Purple, I’d like to say that we are both […]

November 3, 2020

Pepperjam Unveils Fascinating Affiliate Marketing Sales Index

Pepperjam is a longtime partner of ours here at Advertise Purple. And due to the longevity of our relationship, we consider any report they put out to be highly impactful, especially in the affiliate marketing world.  That said, I think […]


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