December 8, 2021

Employee Spotlight: Selena H on Delivering Great Content for our Clients

Creating great content is essential to driving sales. As one of AdPurp’s Content Partnership Managers, Selena H. is responsible for aligning our affiliate partners with the content needs of our clients. Selena took a break from her busy schedule to […]

December 7, 2021

Building a Better Company By Building a Better Community

At Advertise Purple, we care about all of the things that a good business is supposed to care about, such as sales, and delivering for our clients and making sure that the office holiday party is an absolute banger. But […]

December 3, 2021

Why Your Small Business Needs Affiliate Marketing

Cash. Cabbage. Moola. Dough. Green. There are a million different names for one simple truth: your business needs money to survive, and you need to make sales if you’re going to get money. Maybe your small business is thriving or […]

December 2, 2021

AdPurp Employee Spotlight: CFO Jon M talks about innovation, growth and his passion for learning

As a key member of Advertise Purple’s leadership team, CFO Jon M has helped to oversee a period of explosive growth within the company. When Jon started at AdPurp, he was one of just four employees. Today, he helps to […]

November 18, 2021

Surge in Holiday Sales Expected to Power a Strong Q4 for Retailers

It’s the holiday season, which means that sleigh bells are ringing, and so are cash registers.  While Black Friday was once considered the traditional kick-off to the holiday shopping season, this year, customers aren’t waiting for the turkey to be […]


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