March 7, 2022

The Importance of Building Trust in Your Brand

By Alex Cramer By now you’ve probably seen the video. A man sits in a white office wearing a purple, Silicon Valley power fleece and with the same level of concern one uses to order french fries at a drive-through, […]

March 2, 2022

How Live Stream Shopping Will Transform Affiliate Marketing

By Alex Cramer You know what’s cooler than making a billion dollars in sales? Making a billion dollars in sales in less than a day.  Sounds impossible right? Even if you were selling $100,000 luxury cars, you’d have to sell […]

February 24, 2022

Affiliate Spotlight: Capital One Shopping

By Alex Cramer Whether you’re buying socks or a new TV, we all want the best deal on any purchase we make. That’s why we spend so much time going down rabbit holes in search of coupons and promo codes […]

February 23, 2022

The Biggest Mistakes Brands Make to Drive Down Their Affiliate Conversion Rate

By Alex Cramer Coffee is for closers, and at Advertise Purple, we drink a lot of coffee. Ok, really, we drink a lot of things but saying “kombucha is for closers” doesn’t hit quite the same. The point is that […]

February 21, 2022

Why Diversity Matters at Advertise Purple

We need to do more. That’s the simple truth we learned when we took the time to examine our own efforts to improve diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) both within our company and our community. Diversity and equality are important […]


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