October 28, 2022

Publisher Spotlight: A360 Media

By Alex Cramer In the world of affiliate marketing, bigger isn’t always better. After all, even if a publisher has a large audience, you still want to target those specific readers who are the most likely to buy your product. […]

September 9, 2022

Advertise Purple is Named a Fastest Growing Company by Inc. Magazine for the Fifth Year in a Row

By Alex Cramer It’s easy to get caught up in the grind. Day after day at Advertise Purple, we push ourselves to be the best by devising growth strategies, crunching data, and relentlessly working the phones because we know that’s […]

August 26, 2022

How to Build a Community Around Your Brand

By Alex Cramer As the great philosopher Biggie once said “Mo’ money, mo’ problems,” or in other words, sometimes the solutions to your problems can also be their causes. That’s why when we consider the good news, that between 2021 […]

August 5, 2022

Why you Shouldn’t Trust 3rd-Party Consumer Data

By Alex Cramer Would you pay full price for a car that didn’t have wheels? Or would you go over-asking for a house that had no roof and a family of badgers living in the master bedroom? But would you…ok, […]

July 15, 2022

Rising Digital Advertising Prices Push More Brands into Affiliate Marketing

By Alex Cramer You don’t have to watch CNN or read the Wall Street Journal to know that prices are shooting up everywhere. Whether you’re shopping for a new car or just buying milk at the grocery store, it’s easy […]


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