June 7, 2023

A Guide to Choosing Your Affiliate Network

In the world of affiliates there’s lots of nuances you have to get familiar with in order to be successful and to develop a strategic approach to your program. It’s difficult to find your footing in the beginning if you […]

June 5, 2023

Summer 2023’s Hottest Style Guides For Fashion & Apparel

Summer is fast approaching and we all know what that means… it’s time for a wardrobe revamp. Over the next few months, fashion and apparel brands will have the opportunity to make a splash in the industry by getting featured […]

May 31, 2023

Why Are Brands Leaning Towards Performance Marketing Over Traditional Methods?

E-commerce is still in the growth stage of development with new businesses popping up every day increasing the competition and making it ever more important to connect with your target audience in a unique and memorable way. Tracking this interaction […]

May 24, 2023

PayPal’s Sweet Deal with Honey

Back in 2020 PayPal bought Honey, the largest coupon extension, for $4 billion in cash, their biggest acquisition to date. The incorporation took the marketing world by a storm as two e-commerce monoliths, dominating the payment platform and shopping extension […]

May 16, 2023

Why Shopping Sites Are The Unsung Hero’s of Affiliate

We’ve come here today to discuss the elephant in the room. They’re the biggest affiliates there are but no one likes to talk about them. Throughout over a decade specifically dedicated to working with affiliates we have yet to hear […]


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